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If you want
me to write you a letter of recommendation, it will be more effective if you
provide me with specific images and specific anecdotes so that I can provide
concrete, convincing evidence in my letter.
I need key words, key
phrases, and key examples.
Please include at least the following:
1. The name you want me to use in the letter, for example
“William Robert” or “Billy Bob.”
2. The name, and description, of the college, college major, position or
scholarship at which the letter is to be targeted.
3. Which classes of mine you have taken.
4. What words or phrases do you want me to use to describe
your love of the field of
study you are pursuing, or of the job for which you are applying? What evidence or anecdotes can you give me to support
your love of the field of
study you are pursuing, or of the job for which you are applying?
5. What words or phrases do you want me to use to describe
your claim to be ambitious for success
in the field or position? What evidence or anecdotes can you give me to support
your claim to be ambitious for success
in the field or position?
6. What words or phrases do you want me to use to describe
your claim to be serious in
your academic pursuits or your vocational pursuits?
What evidence or anecdotes can you give me to support your claim to be serious in your academic pursuits or your vocational
7. What words or phrases do you want me to use to describe
your claim that you can withstand and
surmount the rigors of the field of study you are pursuing, or of the
job for which you are applying? What
evidence or anecdotes can you give me to support
your claim that you can withstand and
surmount the rigors of the field of study you are pursuing, or of the
job for which you are applying?
8. What words or phrases do you want me to use to describe
your claim of leadership potential?
What evidence or anecdotes
can you give me to support
your claim of leadership potential?
9. What words or phrases do you want me to use to describe
your claim to be a strong
team player? What evidence
or anecdotes can you give me to support
your claim to be a strong
team player?
10. What words or phrases do you want me to use to describe
your claim to be a keen
analytical thinker? What evidence
or anecdotes can you give me to support
your claim to be a keen
analytical thinker?
11. What words or phrases
do you want me to use to describe
your claim to be well-rounded
as a student/employee and as a person? What
evidence or anecdotes can you
give me to support your claim
to be well-rounded as a
student/employee and as a person?
12. What words or phrases do
you want me to use to describe
your character? What evidence or anecdotes can you give me to support your claim
to be a person of good character?
13. Tell me why you think your plans suit you, your strengths, your weaknesses, your aspirations, etc.
14. Tell me how you think you
will be able to contribute to
the program or the company.
When you have assembled all of this as a Word Document (Word 2003 or earlier
ONLY) please email it to me.