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Topic 20 Learning Objectives

Be able to: 

Define, compare and contrast, classify, differentiate, put in order, predict using, identify correct and incorrect examples of, identify correct and incorrect interpretations of, identify correct and incorrect applications of…the following terms:   

First Law of Thermodynamics
spontaneous processes
nonspontaneous processes
Second Law of Thermodynamics
Third Law of Thermodynamics
absolute entropy
standard entropy
standard state
standard entropy of reaction
Gibbs free energy
standard free energy change of a reaction
standard free energy of formation
thermodynamic equilibrium constant


Give a molecular interpretation of entropy

Relate entropy and disorder

Relate entropy and temperature

Apply qualitative rules for comparing entropy

Use heat capacity to calculate entropy

Predict the sign of the standard entropy of a reaction

Calculate the standard entropy of reaction

Predict spontaneity from the sign of DG

Describe the effect of temperature on free energy

Compare the enthalpy term and the entropy term in the Gibbs free energy equation at various temperatures

Apply the rules of thumb regarding the signs of DH, DS, DG and spontaneity

calculate free energy changes from standard enthalpy and standard entropy

calculate standard free energy from standard free energies of formation

Calculate K from DG°