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Topic 9 Learning Objectives

Be able to:

Define, compare and contrast, classify, differentiate, put in order, predict using, identify correct and incorrect examples of, identify correct and incorrect interpretations of, identify correct and incorrect applications of…the following terms:

            molecular geometry
            Valence-Shell-Electron-Pair-Repulsion (VSEPR) Model
            single bonds
            multiple bonds
            double bonds
            triple bonds
            lone pairs
            non-bonding pairs
            angle rule
            pair type rule
            separation rule
            dipole moment
            valence bond theory
            sigma bond
            pi bond

Go into detail about the Valence-Shell-Electron-Pair-Repulsion (VSEPR) Model

Go into details about the rules of thumb for electron pair repulsion

Explain why multiple bonds take up more "space" than single bonds

Apply the three rules to minimize electron pair repulsion in a structure

Predict and describe the geometry of compounds with two, three, or four pairs of electrons on the central atom, draw the most correct structure for them, and explain why that structure is the most correct using the VSEPR model

Predict and describe the geometry of compounds with five or six pairs of electrons on the central atom, draw the most correct structure for them, and explain why that structure is the most correct using the VSEPR model

Describe the relationship between dipole moment and a bond’s polarity

Relate dipole moment and molecular geometry for binary molecular compounds and predict whether or not a binary molecular compound would be expected to have a zero net dipole moment on the basis of its geometry

Go into detail about valence bond theory

Go into detail about how promotion and hybridization explain bond formation and bond strength

Go into detail using valence bond theory to describe multiple bonding

Predict the hybridization in a compound or bond