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Topic 10 Learning Objectives

Be able to:

Define, compare and contrast, classify, differentiate, put in order, predict using, identify correct and incorrect examples of, identify correct and incorrect interpretations of, identify correct and incorrect applications of…the following terms: 

            pascal (Pa)
            atmosphere (atm)
            millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) also called a “torr”
            mercury barometer
            aneroid barometer
            closed-tube manometer
            open-ended manometer
         empirical gas laws
Boyle’s Law
            Charles’ Law
            Gay-Lussac’s Law
            Avogadro’s Law
         derived gas laws
Combined Gas Law
            Ideal Gas Law
            Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
            partial pressure
            mole fraction
         kinetic theory
            Graham’s Law
            root-mean-square molecular speed (rms)
            van der Waals Equation


Calculate gas pressures using measurements in a closed-tube manometer

Calculate gas pressures using measurements in an open-ended manometer

Work Boyle’s Law problems

Work Charles’ Law problems

Work Gay-Lussac’s Law problems

Work Avogadro’s Law problems

Work Combined Gas Law problems

Work Ideal Gas Law problems involving just P, V, n, and T

Work Ideal Gas Law problems involving mass or molar mass, P, V, n, and T

Work Ideal Gas Law problems involving density and molar mass

Work stoichiometry problems involving the Ideal Gas Law

Work gas mixture problems involving partial pressures and mole fractions

Work gas mixture problems involving gases collected over water

Go into detail about the Kinetic Theory of Ideal Gases

Explain Gay-Lussac’s Law from kinetic theory

Explain Boyle’s Law from kinetic theory

Explain Charles’ Law from kinetic theory

Explain Avogadro’s Law from kinetic theory

Explain Ideal Gas Law from kinetic theory

Work Graham’s Law problems

Work root-mean-square molecular speed problems

Go into detail about how real gases deviate from ideal gases

Work van der Waals Equation problems