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Topic 13 Learning Objectives

Be able to:

Define, compare and contrast, classify, differentiate, put in order, predict using, identify correct and incorrect examples of, identify correct and incorrect interpretations of, identify correct and incorrect applications of…the following terms:

        chemical kinetics
     reaction rate
     average rate
     instantaneous rate
     rate constant
     rate law
     reaction order
     half life
     collision theory
     activation energy
     activated complex
     collision theory
     Arrhenius equation
     reaction mechanism
     elementary step
     reaction intermediate
     homogeneous catalysis
     heterogeneous catalysis
     enzyme catalysis
     active site


Analyze and apply the factors that affect reaction rate

Relate the rate of disappearance of a reactant and the rate of appearance of a product from the balanced equation

Determine the average reaction rate from concentration measurements at specific times

Give the reaction order with respect to each reactant and give the overall reaction order for a reaction when given its rate law

Determine the rate law from initial concentrations and initial rates

Work rate problems using concentration-time laws for both first order and second order reactions

Calculate half-lives for both first order and second order reactions

Use graphing to determine the order of a reaction

Use collision theory and energy considerations to explain reactions and reaction rates

Explain reactions and reaction rates using potential energy profiles, including activation energy and the activated complex

Use collision theory and energy considerations to explain the effect of temperature, surface area, concentration, and the presence or absence of a catalyst on reaction rates

Use the Arrhenius equation to describe the relationship among activation energy, temperature, frequency of collisions, and the rate law constant and to calculate these values

Describe reaction mechanisms in terms of elementary steps, reaction intermediates, and molecularity

Write the overall balanced equation from the mechanism

Write rate laws for elementary steps

Write rate laws from mechanisms

Determine the rate-determining step from the rate law

Describe the nature of a catalyst and catalysis, including enzyme catalysis