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Wikipedia This is a very useful online encyclopedia.  Most of the scientific articles are thorough and well written, and far better than Britannica and other big name on-line encyclopedias.
Past Chemistry Olympiad Exams, both Local and National The American Chemical Society sponsors competitive exams each year, first at the local level and then at the national level.  Click here for more information on how to participate.  The three purposes of the exams are:
to encourage a large number of students to excel in chemistry by comparing their knowledge to national and international levels
to provide a forum for interactions between students, teachers, and other chemists
to provide recognition to the top students
These exams are also very useful when preparing for the AP Exam.
Australian Science Olympiad The Australian Science Olympiad also includes a chemistry competition.  These tests are similar to the AP Exam.
Chemmybear's Reactions The Chemmybear site has the AP Test's Predicting Reactions questions for 1985 through 1998.  These are, of course, not in the new format, but they may prove helpful.
ChemReview.NET This is an excellent review of AP level chemistry and problem solving.  For a list of the free, downloadable lessons click here.
Zumdahl at Brooks-Cole Website Although this material is for a much later edition of Zumdahl than the edition we are using, it provides on-line, interactive flash cards, vocabulary, and on-line practice tests. You will need to click here, and then select the appropriate chapter from the pull-down menu.
ChemTopics This is an extensive collection of links appropriate for AP Chemistry.  Not all of the links are still good, but the vast majority of them are.