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Topic 15 – Chemical Equilibrium

Download full set of notes for Topic 15 (MS Word 2000)

Reversible reactions
Forward and reverse reactions
Focus on those in which the formation of products is only slightly favored over the formation of reactants
Definition of chemical equilibrium
Dynamic equilibrium
Equilibrium position
Given by the relative concentrations of reactants and products at equilibrium
Indicates whether products or reactants are favored in a reversible reaction
Applying stoichiometry to equilibrium mixtures
Defined verbally
Defined mathematically
Magnitude of the equilibrium constant
Writing equilibrium constant expressions
For homogeneous equilibria
For heterogeneous equilibria
Calculating equilibrium constants
From equilibrium concentrations
From stoichiometry
Predicting the direction of a reaction from the reaction quotient
Verbal definition of reaction quotient 
Defined mathematically
Calculating equilibrium concentrations
Calculating one equilibrium concentration given the others and the equilibrium constant
Calculating equilibrium concentrations from initial concentrations and the equilibrium constant 
LeChatelier’s Principle
Changes in concentration
Adding or removing reactants or products
Rule of thumb
Changes in temperature
Summary of exothermic and endothermic reactions
Adding or removing heat, which can be thought of as a reactant or product as appropriate
Rule of thumb  
Be alert to the fact that changing the temperature will also affect the value of the equilibrium constant
Changes in pressure  
Changes in pressure caused by changing volume  
Changes in pressure caused by adding an inert gas  
Addition of a catalyst